Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bumpdate: 26 weeks

How Far Along: 26 weeks and 3 days (11/29/2012)

Size of Baby M:

Weight: +0.2.  Soooo now we're at a grand total of 9.3 pounder-roos.

Exercise: 10 sessions.... better then I thought I'd do with the Holiday and traveling and what not! Lucky for me my sister has an awesome gym in her apartment we used that up! I still managed to get in 41 miles running!!! I'm still feeling comfortable... well except when i have to pee, that's not so comfortable.  I did get 4 blisters on my right foot after this past weekend....I blame really old shoes and thin socks.  So i got new shoes and threw out the bad socks.  Hopefully problem is solved!!!

  • Little guy likes to stick his ass's quite comical when he does it, because i have a huge lump, on one side, and a small one on the other where his head is.  Thank God I don't have to wear a swim suit or something revealing like that....people would for sure think I'm growing an alien child.  .....EDITED:  SO after reading some stuff...I've decided this may be Braxton Hicks???? Any thoughts moms??  Not painful, just gets super tight, little uncomfortable, and weird shaped!!
  • Heartburn has gotten better, I have tried to cut down on spicy stuff (who are we kidding, i still eat it, just not as spicy!!) and laying at an angle helps as well.  As well as tums....lots of tums! 
  • What else....hmmmm oh my boobs have been hurting lately, maybe they're growing more? ha.....
  • Loss of appetite?  I really am not that hungry till the evening..... it's weird.  I'm guessing my stomach is running out of room... so small meals and snacks will have to do!

Cravings: Peanuts.  I really like nuts :)  And pickles...still loving those bread and butter pickles.

Sleep:  Good!! Still only waking up once to pee.  And apparently i decide its a good idea to try and lay on my stomach sometimes....trav wakes me up freaked out.

Stretch Marks:  nothing yet!! fingers crossed ya'll.

Gender: Baby Boy!!!!

Maternity Attire:   Some stuff here and there....running out of regular tops that work though, getting too short!

Looking Forward To:  Last weekend in Manhattan!!! All my girlies will be there so I can't wait to see them!!!

and next weekend we have our 3d sonogram in Wichita....trav thinks they're super creepy....but i can't wait!!

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