Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pissing Rain... Dublin

Well, i'd like to say our travels were all smooth but i'd for sure be lying!! Our flight from North Caronlina to Philly was about an hour late leaving which ment we had to dead sprint from that flight to our connecting flight for Dublin. Literaly the second we walked off the plane we heard "final boarding call for flight 722 to Dublin". It wouldn't have been so bad if the gate were ohhhh just around the corner, but NO, this one was at least a mile away!! There were about 6 of us just Prefontaining it down the concourse! So after we busted our ass's to get there, we sat on the runway for about 2 freaking hours!! It was a mess! But we made it!! (Slept for a grand total of 4 hours thru the flight, so we're a littel sleepy!)
The Dublin airport leaves something to be desired, it's old and dirty and very very unorganized! Luggage was all here, which made this girl VERY happy! We got a taxi to our hotel....and as luck would have it, we had the coolest cab driver in the world! He was just this little old man that is retired and drives the taxi for a few hours a day because he's bored and the weather hasn't been allowing for much else to do!
1. Irish rush hour lasts till damn near noon.... they're in no hurry apparently
2. Fuck is a very popular word here....I fit right in.
3. The Brits like to come down here on the weekends and "cause a noisy rucus (sp?)"
4. When he wakes up and its "pissing" outside he likes to go back to bed till noon, then have sex with his wife Sheila.
5. You don't tip bartenders.... but cab drivers its ok :)
6. Marriage is a wonderful thing if its with the right person, and as far as he could tell we'll be just fine!

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